
Transformational Cupping

Transformational Cupping is a blend of cupping and manual therapy. I also pay attention to nutrition if necessary. This practice involves using specialized cups to improve blood circulation and draw waste products and muscle cramps from the connective tissue to the surface by vacuuming the cups. I move the cups over your body.

The cups create a vacuum on the skin and release all adhesions - from superficial to deep within the tissue. This gets the energy moving again.

The treatment is always gradually built up and tailored in consultation with you, intensifying or not, depending on your preference. The skin is often well-perfused and therefore reddish after a treatment. Depending on how tight it is, you may get blue or purple marks and it can feel tender. These marks usually disappear within a week, though it may take longer for some people. I usually don’t let it get to intensive, but it depends on your needs.

You may ask yourself ‘for whom is cupping beneficial?’

Athletes, active individuals, people with chronic pain conditions (for back or neck pain, for example, it helps tremendously), respiratory issues, reduce cellulite, digestive problems, migraines, headaches, people who experience stress or anxiety, skin problems, people who are seeking for detoxification or people use cupping as part of their routine wellness care to maintain good health, improve circulation and boost immunity. After cupping, people experience more relaxation and balance.

If you have any questions about this treatment, feel free to reach out to me and I’ll be happy to answer your questions or give you more information!

Energetic Massage

Energetic therapy has been practiced since the beginning of humanity. However, few people understand how it works. I often get asked, "What exactly is an energetic massage?"

An energetic full body massage targets the body's energy points and meridians, using light or medium pressure to transfer energy. This helps clear blockages and activate self-healing, restoring your natural energy balance.

You might feel sensations like warmth, cold, chills, gurgling intestines, fatigue or lethargy, which are normal and temporary. You may also not feel anything, which doesn't affect the treatment's effectiveness.

If you’re feeling low in energy, fatigue or you are experiencing a lot of tension in your life? An energetic massage can provide support for both your body and mind. It is particularly beneficial during recovery from illness or surgery and can aid individuals dealing with sleep disorders, emotional imbalances, immune system issues, or those undergoing major life changes.

If you have any questions about this treatment, feel free to reach out to me and I’ll be happy to answer your questions or give you more information.


Reiki, a unique method that I am excited to share with you. It is a healing practice that encourages the body to heal itself. The story goes that it all began with Mikao Usui, an inspiring Japanese man who is seen as the founder of Reiki. He is praised as the rediscoverer and originator of the practice.

Reiki involves the transfer of universal energy through hand placement - hence the literal meaning of the Japanese word 'Reiki'.

But what exactly is Reiki? For me, it is more than just a healing method. It is a holistic approach to healing. It centers around the idea that everything is interconnected and forms a whole. So, when you experience Reiki, you are working on multiple levels simultaneously: physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual. With my hands, I guide your energy to parts of your body that need it, addressing the deeper causes of certain issues. It is a beautiful way to bring balance and well-being into your life. Each experience is unique and no two sessions are the same. I have heard relief from pain, reduced stress and alleviated symptoms of various health conditions.

If you have any questions about this treatment, feel free to reach out to me and I’ll be happy to answer your questions or give you more information.

Vinyasa Yoga

Yoga, meaning 'union' in the ancient Indian language Sanskrit, is a lifestyle that incorporates various exercises and techniques. I find yoga to be an amazing way to strengthen both my body and mind.

What actually happens during a yoga class? We alternate between intense poses that build your muscles and relaxing poses that help you release tension and unwind. Vinyasa yoga, for instance, is about synchronizing your breath with your movements.

The most important thing to me is that you have the space to be yourself during the class. To listen to what your body is telling you and give it focused attention. It's a moment of self-care and connection that I wish for everyone.

If you have any questions about this treatment, feel free to reach out to me and I’ll be happy to answer your questions or give you more information.


Niggling lower back pain prompted me to try transformational cupping with Francien. I've been fortunate to have had two sessions with her so far and could definitely feel the benefits after both - and it's not just my back that feels better! Francien's approach, her suggestions to help ease any tension and her helpful explanations to understand why she suggests the methods that she does, all go a long way in making me feel more relaxed and taken care of. Thank you Francien, I will be back for more sessions!


Francien creates a safe haven for you and is really dedicated to support you in restoring, regenerating, relaxing your body. I loved my cupping session with her!


With Francien I felt in very good hands, literally. Her attention, sensitivity and care are ingredients for a safe bedding. A bed in which I can completely sink into my body and where nothing is crazy or too much. Thank you Francien, because of you I feel more balanced and in touch with my body again.
