About Francien

Hello and welcome!
I’m so thrilled you’ve found your way here. I’m Francien, and this is Studio Cien.

My own journey of self-discovery began in my early twenties, a time when I was deeply exploring what truly resonated with me. Over the years, as I navigated my mental and emotional landscape, I realized that my body had its own stories to share - just like the body always does! I’ve embraced a variety of transformative practices like meditation, transformational cupping, breathwork, energetic massage, Reiki and yoga. I’m proud to be certified in these disciplines, which have shown me the profound benefits of connecting the mind and heart, and how essential it is to deeply honor and listen to our emotions.

As I’ve integrated these practices into my life, I’ve experienced remarkable changes both mentally and physically. My aim is to support you in making bold moves and choices that align with your dreams and well-being. The treatments I offer are designed to help you feel lighter, more relaxed and restored.

I’m genuinely excited to be part of your journey and to support you in living the life you’ve always envisioned.

Much love and warmth,

Photography: Stephanie van der Wiel


Bachelor's degree in Communication and Organization (Schoevers, 2017)

Reiki I, II, Practitioner (Healing Space, 2020-2021)

Eastern Five Element Theory (Healing Space, 2021)

Energetic Massage I (Healing Space, 2021)

Transformational Cupping (Kim van Iersel, 2023)

200-hours Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training (The New Yoga School, 2024)

Retreat facilitator