Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you cancel 24 hours in advance, there is no charge. If you cancel later, the full amount will be charged. Cancellation should always be through e-mail.

  • We accumulate a lot of waste in our lives. For example, from polluted air, from chemicals on our food and from medicines. Our organs are overloaded and cannot always process this properly. So the waste products get stuck in your body. This can be in the veins, in the blood, in the intestines, in the skin, in the brain, in the lymphatic system, in the organs, in the meridians, in the connective tissue, in the muscles, etc.

    Transformational Cupping works on all the layers. The waste products are 'cupped' loose and the body can dispose of these products naturally.

    If you have any questions about these treatments, please feel free to reach out to me.

    Or if you have any doubts about your complaints and are under the care of a medical specialist, please consult your physician first.

  • Transformational Cupping is a combination of cupping and manual therapy, with the option to include nutritional guidance and detoxification if needed. We blend Eastern and Western medicine, integrating the use of cups with herbalism and nutritional guidance.

  • Our bodies encounter various chemical and unnatural substances. Our organs sometimes become overwhelmed, making it challenging for our bodies to naturally detoxify. This can result in feelings of exhaustion and various health concerns.

    Transformative Cupping gently nurtures your entire body, from the surface to deep within, aiming to ease tensions, clear blockages and boost overall wellness. Transformational Cupping can help and give relief for those dealing with:

    • Allergies

    • Fears and phobias

    • Autoimmune disease

    • Anaemia

    • Asthma

    • Intestinal complaints

    • Depression

    • Diabetes type 1 & 2

    • Eating problems

    • Trauma

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Heel spur

    • Skin diseases (acne, eczema, etc.)

    • Libido problems

    • Oedema

    • Stomach problems

    • Migraine

    • Restless legs

    • Inflammatory diseases

    • Overweight

    • Rheumatic diseases

    • Sleep problems

    • Tinnitus

    • Fatigue

    • Addictions

    • Nervous system (disturbances)

    • Pregnant (unable to get pregnant)

    • Habits (no more control over what to do and what not to do)

    • Willpower (too little)

    • Patterns (unwanted)

    • Overexcited (being too fast)

    • Uncertainty

    • Grinding thoughts

    • Etc.

    Getting the body out of its disturbances and giving it what it needs is the key to healing.

  • Let's decide this together! Depending on the challenges you're facing, we'll chat about which areas need attention. Your well-being is priority and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

  • You will notice results after one treatment. We will determine further treatments together.

  • It is advisable if you are under a doctor's supervision or are taking medication to consult with your doctor. Cupping is not suitable for pregnant women and people who suffer from thrombosis. In some cases, this also applies to people who have diabetes or high blood pressure. If in doubt, please contact me.

  • The treatment itself can be sensitive, depending on the amount of adhesions in the body. Red and/or blueish marks may occur due to the vacuuming of the cups. These usually disappear after 3 to 5 days, but might persist for a longer duration in some cases. I constantly ask whether the treatment is still comfortable for you.

    During and after a Transformational Cupping treatment I continue to ask for feedback.

  • Everybody is different. I recommend mainly resting and maybe taking a (small) walk after the treatment because the lymphatic system only works with movement. So this promotes the removal of waste products. Above all, listen carefully to your body. What is it in need of? And especially be allowed to take a rest if needed.

  • I generally advise to avoid direct sun exposure immediately after a cupping session. Cupping can leave temporary marks on the skin and exposing these areas to sunlight may increase the risk of skin irritation or sensitivity. It's best to wait until any marks have faded.